Bad day in the office!

July 21, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Saturday was a tough day - and one that can be classified as a 'bad day'

When photographing tournaments (big or small) - you want to be on your best as the decisive games start at the end of it. But the issue for photographers is that by that time you've most likely have spent two/three weeks covering the same teams at the same arena - so where as that lay-up by Devon Van Oostrum looked great on the first day, when you capture the same lay-up for 50th time.. it somehow doesn't look that special any more. (I would like to add, this is no fault of the player, but more of in the eye of the photographer).



Yesterday the FIBA Europe Men's U20 B-division reached it's Semi-Final stages, and the two winners of these games would gain promotion to the A-division - so you expect hard fought games, some great action and hopefully to be in the right place to catch emotions at the final whistle.

It would be great to say that this was exactly what I captured yesterday - but for some reason I feel that either I was in the wrong corner at the right time or the celebrations seemed to go the other way. So it was 80 minutes of basketball frustration for myself behind the camera.


Maybe it is good to have days like this once in a while, gets you back to basics and wakes you up a little to try harder the following day. Also shows that photography is a profession where you need to keep learning every day - challenge yourself and it will NEVER be easy. Another day today, with the 3rd place play-off and Final to come - need to step up my game and learn from yesterday.

Today is also the FINAL DAY of three weeks of working on the Continent - it'll be nice to get home tomorrow and just in time to catch my Wife's birthday.. it's not a bad way to return home :-) Plus - it's getting a bit chilly here in Romania, only 29 degrees at 9am this morning - the Winter Is Coming ;-)


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