Day 2 Olympics - London 2012

July 27, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

They say that second day is always easier than the first... so was it for me at the London 2012 games??

(and also - I wonder if I am allowed to write London 2012 to my Blog - it must be somehow protected set of letters&numbers)

Waking up, yet in another hotel - it feels like I am living from a suitcase at the moment as I have spent three nights out of the last 18 at a hotel room...and those few nights actually made me realise how comfortable my own bed actually is :-) Today gave me an idea of the journey from this hotel to the Olympic Village - which took approximately 45 minutes, and then another 20 minutes or so from the Tube to the MPC.

With no sports happening today and most press having processed their accreditation - the press centre was eerily quiet at 8am in the morning. But there was a reason for mad early presence at the venue. Nothing to do with work, well sort of, but I had a brand new shiny 'toy' waiting for me at the ProPhotoCenter .. a Canon 1DX. One little advantage of being press at the Olympics - you sometimes get yours hands into new equipment a little earlier than general sales.


After the purchase, I hung around the MPC and edited few pictures from last night - and just had a relaxing time. Today's only assignment was to the Finnish Church in London, where one of the journalists interviews the local Chaplain, while snapped few photos of the interview.

Then I was on the 'stand-by' list to the Opening Ceremony allocations - but unfortunately luck was not on my side this time around and like millions of others, I will be watching it on TV. Despite it being a relatively short and easy day - it still took well into the afternoon before I was able to depart from the Press Centre and head to my 'base-camp' along the M11.

As I departed the MPC - many of the press were rushing to the Shuttle buses that transport us around the park - it was entertaining to see photographers carrying their gear and always rushing as a new bus arrived.. and not sure which bus went where and so on..

Opening ceremony was great - although a bit chaotic and wasn't quite sure about few things, suppose Bean and Bond did it for me.. not sure about the NHS bit to be honest.. but it sure was better than I had expected, a great start to the 2012 games.. now let the sports do the talking! OH!!! And I did switch off after the ceremony bit.. didn't watch the athletes walk for two hours.. for me it was bed time and 5am wake-up call :-) And even if it would have been a GREAT experience to be at the Opening Ceremony.. maybe I saw more of it from TV??

Looking really forward to the first day of sporting action for the London 2012 games.. more to follow...



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